Don Burzen, MBA
Don's background and training provide him with a wealth of experience and knowledge to assist his clients with the many decisions they face.
But beyond that, he also brings a passion that developed through personal lessons.
While still in college, Don saw his father lose his manufacturing business when his passive partner of many years died suddenly in an accident. Since the two trusted each other implicitly, they never put anything like a Buy/Sell Agreement in place, viewing their handshake as all they needed. Without such an agreement, his partner's son-in-law (who was an attorney), quickly departed from the terms of that handshake agreement, since his view (and that of the courts) was that the lack of documentation meant it didn't exist.
Later in life, Don had two first-hand reminders of just how quickly life can be changed by fate, with cancer striking in his late thirties, and another in his mid-forties. He doesn't dwell on those experiences, but they stand as a reminder that things don't always happen as we plan, and just how critical contingency planning can be at any age.
While working for others, Don was held roles as engineer, manager, Vice President, General Manager, and Division President. In private business, he cofounded a business brokerage firm, and later consulted with strategic buyers for several years before focusing on Endurance Planning for Business Owners as the passion that fits perfectly with all his life's experiences.
His approach is to educate Business Owners on their options and considerations, so THEY can make the decision to proceed when the time is right for THEM. He never comes across with a hard sell.